We’re supporting StreetSmart

The Hooked-on Group’s restaurants are supporting StreetSmart’s annual campaign to tackle homelessness this November and December.


5,400 young people in the North East were at risk of homelessness in the last year, an increase of 8% from the previous year. A trend that demonstrates the national rise of youth homelessness in the UK.


In the face of these shocking statistics, StreetSmart brings together chefs, restaurant staff and diners to raise vital funds to tackle homelessness in the UK. Throughout November and December, diners can donate £1 per table when enjoying a meal out at 600+ restaurants taking part in the annual scheme.


StreetSmart is supported by the best dining establishments the North East has to offer, including Blackfriars and Bouchon in Hexham who have taken part for 10 years. They are joined by Cook House, Coarse in Durham, Dobson & Parnell, Hinnies, Long Friday, Peace & Loaf, Rebel and The French Quarter.


Laura Race speaking on behalf of Blackfriars, Dobson & Parnell and Hinnies says “We are honoured to support this invaluable charity. The issue of homelessness is a pressing concern throughout the UK, especially during a time of year that should be marked by generosity and empathy, we are passionately committed to lending our support in anyway possible. By introducing a voluntary £1 donation option on bills throughout November and December, we not only provide crucial financial assistance but also raise awareness for a nationwide issue that demands greater attention and support.”


Last year, over £1 million was raised from those £1 donations alone, and with those funds StreetSmart supports projects across the North East that tackle the many aspects of homelessness, such as providing essential items like hygiene products, clothes and food vouchers through Changing Lives, or amplifying the voices of young people who have experienced homelessness to shape services through Oasis Community Housing.


The pioneering way StreetSmart is funded means 100% of the money raised at restaurants, pubs and bars goes to helping those in need, as the charity’s partner LandAid covers the costs of the campaign. StreetSmart is then able to deliver tangible, positive impacts by forming partnerships with local charities, supporting individuals on their difficult journey out of homelessness.


The chef Pierre Koffman goes to the heart of the issue. “Home is one of the most important things in life: for shelter, of course, but also for self-respect and a sense of belonging. Supporting StreetSmart is a simple way to help people whose lives are painful in ways we can hardly imagine.”

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Blackfriars Restaurant
Dobson & Parnell
Hinnies Restaurant